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It's been a while.

This whole post is going to sound like a puzzle or maybe just stupid. But it is what it is.

The past few weeks have been a revelation. Haha. Revelation (noun) - a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way.

Ironic that I chose that word.

I have been tested like never before. I pushed my boundaries and made leaps, some foolish ones. Okay, most of them were foolish. Every aspect of myself has been challenged and it has left me feeling empty. I thought I hated drama, but I have learned that I am very dramatic. I feel like I don't even know who I am.

So, I am going to explore. I am going to question every thought and filter everything that comes into my life. I will go back to certain memories (which are not going to be that reliable) and look at them differently and I will revisit what I put into my head when I was a child.

And therefore, I have even questioned why I started this blog in the first place. And whether I should continue it. I don't know if I'm being too open about personal stuff or if I'm just blabbering random crap. I need to decide on what I want to do with this blog.
Plus, I have to read a lot more science and stay up-to-date.

Until then,

I will be taking a hiatus.

Thank you for your time.


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