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My Hero.


Its been a week! Longer than that I guess....hehehe... *grins*
How are you doing? What plans for the weekend?? The Last weekend of July, 2016.....

As for me, I am helping out at home for my Grandpa's death anniversary.
AND it's my best bestest person's birthday today!!!!!!! So I'm happiieeeee...

Who you ask?
MY brother. *grins wide*

Yup, you guessed right. Since, I've already told about my parents, I was waiting for today to talk about my bro.
MY BRO. (you have no idea how much proud I feel when I say that)

Sooo, let's do this.

My brother was born today many years ago. I won't tell the year. But, obviously you'll know if you go to his facebook profile *bwahahaha*.....I was born five years later.
I've seen pictures of my brother when he was small. And believe me when I say, he was soo cutee.. SO CUTE. (I guess this also resulted in everybody pinching his cheeks, which must have made him scream *hehehehe*)

When we were young, we fought like crazy. We didn't get along well at all. But, it didn't go to the extent of hitting each other (I think. I'm not sure.) But we would argue and I would scream and start crying and my mom would come and screw us both. Whose ever fault it was, we both would get screwed. (That's the universal philosophy with parents. So that we don't feel like they're favouring one child..*bwahahahaha*)

I was the youngest in the family and I was not allowed to play in any of their (my cousins') games. I'm told we hated being in the same room, but that's BS. We had our share of fun when we were home.

I remember us dancing to 'I'm a Barbie Girl', 'Mustafa, Mustafa, don't worry....' and
Kaho na Pyaar hai's 'Ek Pal Ka Jeena'....OMG... We would run to wherever there was space and dance for the chorus, and the famous step where he looks like he's trying to push the air... *rofl* I don't know how to explain! Go watch the video in YouTube...Awesome song... 'Eh mere dil to gaaaye ee aa' *sings* *totally out of tune* *lol*

I remember us coming back from school in our 'Mongoose' bicycle. (this famous company Mongoose which made great bicycles). Bro riding and me sitting at the back. The back seat was horrible. I would slide off under the front seat and it was uncomfortable...
And me going to his class, to ask for a pen *lol*.. Everybody knew that I was his sister. I was labelled "Akshob thangi" (thangi means sister, in Kannada).

I would sit near his bed to watch him write his notes. His class work, his hero ink pen, the noise of the nib against the paper, the smell of the ink.....I loved watching him write. His handwriting was so good. (Now, it has resorted to scribbling; The outcome of engineering students *sighs*)

And then, my brother introduced me to English music and TV shows... Taylor Swift's 'Love Story', then Rihanna's 'Unfaithful' and then Linkin Park....and 'How I met your mother', 'The Big Bang Theory', 'Two and a half men' 'Bones' and so many more...

And somewhere along the way, we stopped arguing.....(we still argue, but that's because I'm stupid and my brother doesn't answer my questions.) and started talking more. I would talk about all the drama in my class and my brother would say 'you don't know how to make friends' *lol*

Dinner time was like a story session. My brother would tell what happened in his class and I would tell what happened in mine. If it was a funny incident, we would all laugh; if it was serious, we would discuss it....if it was stupid, we would comment on it...

And then, after my grandparents arrived, it was awesome. We would have so much fun seeing them communicating with each other, which sounded like they were screaming at each other...*lol*

We would fight for the perfect spot on the sofa; if my bro was really happy, he would dance and I would laugh...
During his exam times, he would by-heart the theory and repeat it to me, telling me that certain subjects you have no choice, but to by-heart.
He would play songs of  Linkin Park and I would guess their names. (which was hard because the starting music is so similar!) ....

And then, he finished his engineering and started working.
My brother always knew what he wanted to do. He was set on pursuing his Masters, and he had planned everything.
I will never forget the two years when he was working. Everybody, hearing his plans would say that 'everybody tells that they plan on studying further, but after you start earning, you won't feel like doing it', 'once you get money in your hands, you won't feel the urge to study', blah blah blah...
I remember it so damn well. Every damn person who heard my brother's plans said that.

But my brother showed it to them. He proved that 'Actions speak louder than words'; He continued his work and studied for the entrances, finished them, applied to universities and he got into one too. He did everything by himself and he left for US.
He frickin' slapped their faces, hypothetically speaking.

Anyway, my bro has now finished his Masters, and has got a job. I really hope that he's happy. He should be. It was always his dream to study more and he finally has a master's degree!

I came to know how much he worked hard only after he left for US. I realised how much preparation was needed and how well he had planned everything...I was dumb struck, actually.

There are a million other memories and incidents which come to mind, when I'm doing something. And I just laugh remembering them....We had so much fun....
Its not like its the end of the world, but some things don't come back.... The feeling that we've grown up and can't go back to those times is a bit sad, but I'll just look forward....

My bro has always been my inspiration. I will always look up to him. I trust his decisions.(duh, cos he knows more than me).

So bro, Happiee Happiee Happiieeeee Birthday to you...
I'm sorry we (and your friends who're here) are not there with you right now, but we'll meet soon.
Mom and Dad are always thinking of you, even though they don't say much.
And you know me, I just send a ''Broooooo'' message when I want to talk to you.. *lol*

Love you bro.
Keep smiling and be positive. And be happy. And healthy.

And to all my readers out there, that was about my brother.
Hope you enjoyed reading, and maybe thought about your own sibling....Tell them you love them, you won't get many opportunities to do it...

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy.

Loads of Love,

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