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Showing posts from February, 2019


Hello, It's been a while. This whole post is going to sound like a puzzle or maybe just stupid. But it is what it is. The past few weeks have been a revelation. Haha. Revelation ( noun ) - a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way. Ironic that I chose that word. I have been tested like never before. I pushed my boundaries and made leaps, some foolish ones. Okay, most of them were foolish. Every aspect of myself has been challenged and it has left me feeling empty. I thought I hated drama, but I have learned that I am very dramatic. I feel like I don't even know who I am. So, I am going to explore. I am going to question every thought and filter everything that comes into my life. I will go back to certain memories (which are not going to be that reliable) and look at them differently and I will revisit what I put into my head when I was a child. And therefore, I have even questioned why I started this blog in th...


Helloooo, New Year, New Day, Same old me. lol It's been one month already. Guess some things never change. 😂😂 (Nah. Not gonna say that.) So, I hope you all have been having a wonderful start to the new year. I did have an amazing start. Got to spend some time with my brother at California and then it snowed in Boston! Classes started! And it's already February. I'm sorry, what!? *looks around* Arey! Somebody break this stupid time! so that it'll go slow!! Dragging myself back to the point, it's time for a review of 2018. You see, I tried writing it down but that never happened. Some things just flow when you're on a blogging page. (says this dumbass) Twenty Eighteen. The year of so many events. It taught me many things, even till the end of December 31st. The year of learning. Of utter bitterness and overwhelming feelings. The year of changes. It was totally opposite than 'consistency' which was my word of the year. But it's okay. I...