Well well well, Hellooo from Boston!! How are you?? How's life? Everything going well? (stupid question to ask when it's the middle of the week; it's still Thursday...No it's Friday back home. I'm blabbering) For those who have no clue whatsoever, I am in Boston! to pursue my second masters' degree in science journalism. It's been three weeks (almost) since I've been here and it has been very challenging. (Yup, challenging is a good word to describe it.) So you guessed right. I will be talking about the past weeks and the transition. I was and am (still) excited about being here. I think that's something that won't go away, at least for now. I'm trying not to be excited because I have this stupid belief that if I keep up this excitement, something sad will happen. I think I'm confusing excitement with expectations. Back to the point, I was excited about coming here and I was ready for everything. I knew full well it would be d...
Musings of a mere human being