Helllooooooooooo, It's been two weeks. I know. I know. I was getting settled in Mysuru. A lame excuse but I have still not worked on everything regarding the internet connection and all that headache. So, I apologize for the late post. I never knew how much I missed Bengaluru. My city. Guess it's true that sometimes, you realize your love only when you are far apart. I missed the traffic (can you believe it?!, I can't either), the people, the vibe, the energy of my wonderful city... Okay, okay putting that aside, in this post I wanted to talk about something that has been bothering me since forever. And in Mysuru, I attended a concert and I got the perfect topic to blog about. MUSIC. Apart from my studies, this was the one thing I was good at. My parents sent me to learn music - Carnatic Classical music - from a small age. I was not allowed to go to sports or dance or any events because it would get in the way of my studies, but this, this I was pushed to it. N...
Musings of a mere human being