"Let them take themselves to Hell, those hard hearts who leave their children to cry themselves to sleep alone, and in Hell they will have to listen to the sound of a child crying and know that they can never comfort it." - Thought by Debbie in 'Hurrah for the Hols' by Helen Simpson. I just found this so apt for what I've been wanting to post about... Helloooo.. How are you today?? I practically am the biggest fool on earth to have forgotten my project report for my exams today... And I am extremely grateful to my uncle who came to my college to give it to me (twice, not to mention....I am so so sorry for all the trouble I've caused. Stupid me)... Coming back to that thought, it's not a ''thought'' thought...you know...it's what Debbie 'thinks' when she hears the sound of a child crying.... Please let me make this clear, again, as this is just my rant, and I really hope all of the children will agree with me....This i...
Musings of a mere human being